
It's Never Always

Have you ever realized how everyone you meet describes everything they talk about? I mean, I never realized how much everyone use absolutes all the time. Everyone is always talking about how everything is the greatest or least or most or best or worst. It's like they've never considered the fact that there are always things in between extremes. In fact, when you think about it, everything is in the in between...except for the two things that actually would be the extremes of any given situation or circumstance.

Hang with me here.

It's not that nothing is ever always. And it's not that nothing is ever never. But nothing short of God is always, always. And nothing is never, never. (I feel like the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland.)

God is always. This I know is true. As for the rest? Well. Never say never. Because that's not necessarily true. And never say always. Because that's not the case either.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this: when you decide to talk about something or think about something, don't limit it to extremes. Instead, get the right perspective and realize that most of life is lived in the middle. Because when you focus on that, the possibilities are endless.


  1. Wow! Sounds like someone could use a vacation?

  2. That was the most awesome post ever. ;)
