
Does it show?

The other day Carissa had the boys write down three things they would do if they had nothing. See, we've been struggling, as every parent does, with a little bit of greed around our house. And when I saw those lists, it got me thinking. What would I do if I had nothing?

And as I thought about it, another question popped into my head (questions lead to questions in my mind). I know it was God asking me. "If you had nothing, would you still be thankful?"

That's a question that I think I know the answer to. I hope I do. I think I would still be thankful. Because after all, the best things in life are free, right? That means that they aren't things you can have; rather, they are things that are given to you, often unearned. Things like love and freedom and peace and friendships and hope.

But really. If I didn't have any thing, would I still be thankful? Or would I, in my egocentric kind of way, be ungrateful for what I don't have? It's a hard question to ask, and an even harder one to answer.

But as I sit here surrounded by all that God has blessed me with, material and otherwise, I think the real question isn't "What would I do if I had nothing?" The real question that God asks me everyday is, "Are you thankful for what you do have?" And that I am.

But again, that leads to another question. Does it show?

1 comment:

  1. Ooh... Now THAT is a deep question. Does it show? I hope that I can keep that in mind as I go through my days, always being considerate of what I show.
