
Jesus Was 33 Once, Too

I turned 33 yesterday. Not really a milestone birthday. No fanfare. No big party. Just time away with my wife, alone on Friday and Saturday. And then time with the family yesterday. I can't remember a better birthday.

And then I got to thinking. I'm now the same age Jesus was when he died. I mentioned that fact to a friend of mine today and he asked, jokingly, "And do you feel bad because you haven't accomplished as much as him?"

Now, I know there is no way I could ever accomplish what Jesus did. That's not the point.

I don't know what it is about birthdays that make you start considering what you've done, where you've been and who you are. But that's how it is with me, especially as I get "older" (I know 33 isn't that old). Another friend of mine told me today that it's in your mid-30s that you start really contemplating what life is all about, where you place priority and what holds value - real value. Not the value you place on a car when you're 16. I guess she's right.

Over the last several weeks I've spent a lot of time just ... thinking. About life. About God. About where he has me and about what holds value for me. I've thought about a lot of things. But one thing I thought of just tonight. And this is one I'll spend a lot of time pondering in the days and weeks to come.

I'm not sure if Jesus celebrated his birthdays or not. But if he did, 33 was the last one. And that got me thinking even more. (thoughts lead to thoughts in my world)

What if this is the last birthday I have on earth? Have I done all I can to show people what - and more importantly, who I truly value? Because I know Jesus did. And while I can't accomplish what he did (that's why I need him), I can follow his example and live for the things that truly matter.


  1. if tomorrow never comes
    will she know how much I loved her
    did i try in every way, to show her every day
    that she's my only one?

    and if my time on earth were through
    and she must face this world without me
    is the love i gave her in the past
    gonna be enough to last, if tomorrow never comes?


  2. Happy belated birthday to you. You've made very good use of your 33 years.

  3. Seth - Excellent use of Garth Brooks. Kudos.

    And I think, just maybe, I do know.
